Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Emotional Reflector- Holly Fischer

The emotions at the end of the book are directed towards the future and how Ellen and Anna will cope with the accident. Ellen seems over it, however, Anna isn't, although it probably has something to do with her brother. On page 229, "You're just scared of everything." This quote is what Ellen says to Anna when Anna confronts her about her drinking problem. The girls are the best of friends, however, they handle their feelings very differently. On page 231, Anna and Jack attend a New Years Party. "His arms are crossed over his gut, and his head is slumped over his arms, and he's bawling." Anna says this about her older brother because he gets really drunk at the party. This shows just how much Jack has been hiding his emotions because they all come rushing out when he gets drunk. In therapy the next day, Anna is upset with the fact that she can be happy with Seth and Jack can never be happy with Cameron again. I can somehow understand what Anna is feeling, it must be hard to go through something like that, but I'm sure that Jack would want her to be happy. In the end, Anna explains how the ending isn't exactly a happy one, but she's coping with the loss as best as she can, and hopefully one day she'll be able to confidently say that Cameron's death wasn't her fault. All in all, Jack is the one I feel for the most. Anna explains how she hears him crying at night sometimes, and that honestly breaks my heart to think about. It's sad how Anna took Cameron away from him, but hopefull that won't effect their relationship in the future.

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