Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Quote Illuminator - Devon Blog #6

1. "No boys in your room. Period." "You let Cameron in Jack's room," Pg. 210

This quote is important because it shows how differently Anna's dad treats Anna compared to Jack. It shows how Jack is allowed to do things Anna can't just because Jack is a boy.  

2. "I'm getting a dozen roses on the first of each month for the next year," Pg. 226

This quote is important because it shows how the relationship between Seth and Anna is progressing. Seth is a very important part in Anna's life because he helps her focus on something else other than the accident. Also, he is there to support Anna when she needs it the most.

3. "At first when she got the short cast off, she walked sort of funny. Tippy-toed. She couldn't get her heel flat on the ground. But now she's moving pretty smoothly." Pg. 241

This quote is important to the book because it shows the healing of Ellen's leg, as a metaphor to the healing of the accident. This quote shows how healing takes a lot of time, but in the end it will get better.

4. "But you do handle it. Because the thing you learn is that you can." Pg. 247

This quote is important because it shows Anna's overall growth after the accident. It shows how she learned that she must handle the situation to be able to recover from it. This shows how she is now accepting the accident in a positive way.  

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